About the Journal
Aims & Scope | Audience | Review Process | Editorial Team | About the Editors | Facts About the Journal | Publication Partnership | Abstracting and Indexing Information | Journal Ethics | Plagiarism Policy | Archival Policy | Open Access Publication and Creative Commons Licensing | Advertisements | Subscription Information | Publisher
The International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS (IJMA) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high quality articles in the fields of maternal and child health and the burden and impact of HIV/AIDS on the maternal and child health population.
The journal publishes a variety of papers that seek to investigate how the social determinants of health and communicable and non-communicable diseases impact the maternal and child health (MCH) population at the local, national, and global levels.
The journal publishes papers that can be applied to global maternal and child health practices, programs, and policies, especially those that contribute to local and international efforts to improve the health of maternal and child health populations and those affected and impacted by HIV/AIDS.
The journal welcomes manuscripts that discuss application of research results to global maternal and child health programs, policy and practice. As a development-oriented journal, the journal welcomes submissions from authors in, or research on, MCH and HIV/AIDS issues affecting developing (low and middle-income) countries. The journal is owned and published by the Global Health and Education Projects, Inc.
Aims & Scope
The International Journal of Maternal and Child and AIDS (IJMA) is an open-access, peer-reviewed global health journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in all areas of maternal and child health and the burden and impact of HIV/AIDS on maternal and child health populations. Despite improvements in health technology, health outcomes for the maternal and child health populations remain dire. For example, Black maternal mortality in the U.S. is at a historic high, worse than in any other developed nation; maternal and infant mortality in low and middle-income countries are surging. The burden of HIV/AIDS persists, especially among underserved and minority communities; health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS remain poor. The journal publishes different paper types that investigate how the social determinants of health factors and communicable and non-communicable diseases impact the maternal and child health populations at the local, national, and global levels.
The journal’s audience includes researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in the fields of maternal health, child health, women’s health, pediatric health, sexual and reproductive health, family health, maternal HIV/AIDS, child / pediatric HIV/AIDS, People living with HIV/AIDS, LGBT, special populations, etc.
Review Process
IJMA has a highly rigorous peer-review process that makes sure that manuscripts are scientifically accurate, relevant, novel and important. Authors disclose all conflicts, affiliations and financial associations such that the published content is not biased.
Review Timeline
Editorial Team
The editorial board comprises a panel of experts from various disciplines of medical and allied sciences to provide their expertise and guidance in maintaining the clarity of content and focus of the purpose for the journal.
About the Editors-in-Chief
The Center for Global health and Health Policy
Global Health and Education Projects, Inc.
Maryland, USA
Email: GSingh@mchandaids.org
National Institutes of Health Office of the Director Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Email: Editorinchief@mchandaids.org
The Center for Global Health and Health Policy Global Health and Education Projects, Inc. 6220 Rhode Island Avenue Riverdale, Maryland, USA www.globalhealthprojects.org
Email: info@globalhealthprojects.org
Facts About the Journal
This is a peer reviewed journal published Continuous, follows a single-blind review process. Its open access model ensures worldwide visibility and boosts authors’ prominence in medical research.
Publication Partnership
The journal is published in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Center of Excellence in Health Equity, Training & Research, Texas, United States, and Pfizer Kano Independent Research Center Trust, Nigeria. Authors or organizations interested in exploring a publication partnership should contact the editorial office at submissions@mchandaids.org.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is indexed with, or included in, the following:
PubMed Central, DOAJ, Cabells Scholarly Analytics
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
Google Scholar

Journal Ethics
The International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS is committed to meeting and upholding the standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements. The journal owner, Global Health and Education Projects, Inc., is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). For a summary of our specific policies regarding duplicate publication, conflicts of interest, patient consent, etc., please visit our Ethical Guidelines section.
Plagiarism Policy
The journal uses plagiarism check software (iThenticate) on the Editor’s and Reviewer’s panel in the manuscript management system which is used to check and control plagiarism for each article. Any manuscript, that is found to have plagiarism is rejected.
Archival Policy
We use PORTICO for our third-party repository for all articles published with us. All our articles are assigned a DOI number. We are members of https://crossref.org
Open Access Publication and Creative Commons Licensing
International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS is an open-access journal, and manuscripts published are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0), which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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“Pop-up” and “banner” advertisement appears at a fixed location on the page and does not interfere with the manuscript in any form.
The Editorial Board has full and final approval over the content of all advertisements.
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